Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Promise - Sneak Peek!

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Never in my wildest thoughts could I have ever imagined that something as simple as a bloody nose would be the beginning of the end of “Liverick.” We were forever.
I had just started my senior year of high school and my boyfriend, Maverick, was off fulfilling his first year of a full-ride athletic scholarship playing football for Notre Dame. It was our first time away from each other and we were miserable. But we’d concluded it was just one year and then I’d join him the following year and we’d be back on track. There was never any talk of me not moving to Indiana to be close to him, even my parents were on board. If I didn’t get in, then I’d go somewhere else close to Mav. After all, we’d been together since I was five and he was six. This was it for us.
Well, until…
It was a Wednesday. It was raining and school had sucked. Ballet, however, had almost made up for my crappy day, but I was still late. I ran through the front door, yelling, “Hi, Mom, bus was late, sorry, gotta Skype Mav,” and rushed up to my room, powering up my laptop. Our black lab, Rex, followed, so I greeted him quickly, then I peeled off my wet clothes and changed into dry pajamas while I tried to connect Skype.
Maverick answered on the second buzz. “Hey, gorgeous.”
“Hi, Möosh.”
He chuckled. I’d given Maverick that nickname one night when we’d been out at Frenchman’s Bar, lying on a blanket and making out like crazy. He was always saying the sweetest things and I always found it funny how the men in my sphere of influence were the romantic ones, while the women…not so much.
“You’re so mushy,” I said, kissing him.
“It’s because I love you.”
“So, because I’m not as mushy, I don’t love you?” I challenged.
He grinned, the crater on his left cheek melting me. Seriously, tall and muscular with longish dark hair, blue eyes and dimples, Maverick Quinn was the hottest guy on earth. He’d always reminded me a little of Superman. You’d never guess he was the son of a bad ass Motorcycle Club member, being way more jock than biker…but I suppose, you could say that about me as well. I was far more ballerina than biker chick.
“Mom and Dad are the same way,” he pointed out. “So are your parents.”
“This is true.” I giggled as he squeezed me. “I do love how you get all mushy and then you smoosh me, though. They just make out and play ass grab with each other. It’s weird.” I craned my head to look up at him. “But you’re totally my moosh.”
Maverick laughed. “What the hell?”
“I’m over ‘babe’ and ‘honey’ and ‘sweetie.’ From this point on, you’re my moosh.”
“You already picked ‘Liverick.’”
“Well, we couldn’t be Maly…that’s just silly.”
He shook his head. “Well, if I’m your moosh, I want something cool. Something with umlauts in the spelling or some shit like that…like a bad European rock band.”
I giggled. “Like m-ü-s-h?”
“Huh-uh. I want m-ö-o-s-h. The second umlaut is silent.”
 I laughed so hard, I snorted, which was always Mav’s goal.
“How was dance?” he asked, bringing me back to the present.
“It was really good, actually. Your mom’s kicking my butt.”
“As she should.”
I sighed. “She wants me to do a showcase for the Portland Dance Company.”
He leaned forward. “And what did you say?”
Maverick knew how much I hated attention…good or bad. I was naturally shy and tended to stay in the background whenever possible. “I said I’d think about it.”
He gave me a gentle smile. “Just tell her no, baby. She’ll understand.”
“Outside of the fact, there could be scholarship money, I don’t want to hurt her feelings.”
“Lil,” he said, his voice a gentle admonishment. “You won’t hurt her feelings. She’s asked before, right?”
I nodded.
“She’ll get it, babycakes.”
“I’ll tell her tomorrow,” I promised. “How’s practice going so far?”
“Easy. Which means the tough part’s coming.” He shrugged. “I’m ready.”
“I know you are.” I sighed. “I miss you.”
“I miss you, too. Less than six weeks and I’ll be home for Thanksgiving.”
“I’m crossing the days off on my calendar.”
“Me too, baby.” He leaned forward. “Lil, your nose is bleeding.”
I touched my lip and my hand came away with blood. “Oh, gross. Hold on.” I rushed into the bathroom attached to my bedroom and grabbed a washcloth. Rex followed inside and sat beside me as I got the cloth wet.
“Press it against your upper lip, just under your nose,” Maverick directed from the computer. “Give it lots of pressure.”
I kept my head tilted back slightly and sat back down at my desk, peering at Maverick around the bloody washcloth. “So, video sex probably wouldn’t be attractive right now, huh?”
Maverick laughed, shaking his head. “Lily! If your dad heard you say that, he’d have my balls.”
I grinned. “He doesn’t know about us…you know.”
“I’m sure he suspects.”
“I’m sure he doesn’t,” I countered in a whisper. There’s no way my dad suspected we were doing the nasty, because if he did, Maverick probably wouldn’t be able to walk, let alone play football.
Maverick and I had waited a long time to have sex…well, a long time by teenage standards, really. It was my seventeenth birthday and we’d been given permission to take my dad’s boat out for the day alone, provided we were home in time for the big blowout party my parents had planned.
The whole day had been one of dreams. We’d made love, swam a little, made love some more. After that, I found it difficult to keep my hands off of him. Everything with Maverick was always perfect and I couldn’t wait until we could find time to be together again.
Maverick smiled. “Well, I’m not telling anyone.”
“Me neither.”
“How’s your nose?”
I pulled the washcloth away. “Seems good. That was weird.”
“Probably allergies.”
I nodded. “Probably.”
“I have to go grab dinner with the guys. I’ll text you later, okay?”
“Okay, Möosh,” I said, but it wasn’t okay. I wanted to keep talking to him.
He smiled. “I miss you, too, babycakes.”
“I know.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“I’ll text you before I fall asleep,” he promised.
He hung up Skype and I headed downstairs. Hunter, my eleven-year-old brother, was in the family room, playing some Disney Infinity game with Cash my nine-year-old brother, so I patted their heads (they did not like to be interrupted during play time), and walked into the kitchen. Rex was attached to my side, so I once again laid my hand on his head.
“Hi, Mom.”
Payton wasn’t my biological mom, but she’d adopted me when she and my dad and had gotten married. She was my mom in all the ways that counted, especially considering my bio mom was a druggy and total waste of space.
“Hey, honey. How was school?”
I wrinkled my nose. “Um, totally sucky.”
“Because it’s school or for a specific reason?” she asked, sliding something that looked a bit like a pie into the oven.
“Because it’s school.”
“Sorry, babe.” She opened the fridge. “I grabbed that cheese you like. Want some?”
I had a small obsession with cheese. Okay, maybe not so small.
“Yes, please.”
She handed me the wedge.
“Thanks. Cass asked me to do that showcase,” I said as I broke a piece of deliciousness off the triangle.
“I know. She told me,” Mom admitted. “It’s five-thousand, baby girl.”
“No pressure,” I grumbled.
“I am sympathetic to your stage fright and discomfort having people watch you, but if you can put that aside and are chosen, it’s a nice chunk toward school.”
“What if I’m not chosen? Then I would have done all of that for nothing.”
“Valid argument,” Mom conceded. “But, the likelihood of you not being chosen is pretty low.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“That’s all we ask. You know, the collective ‘we.’ The mom and dad who work hard to pay for a great education…those two. The ones who could use a five-thousand dollar break?”
I giggled. “I hear you.”
“I appreciate that.”
“Are you making a peach pie?” I asked, changing the subject.
She grinned. “I am. Your dad requested it.”
I clapped my hands. “I love your peach pie.”
She chuckled. “So does your dad.”
“Okay, gross. I did not need to know that.”
“How’s Maverick?” Mom asked with a chuckle.
I sighed. “Not here.”
“I’m sorry, honey. This has got to feel like forever, huh?”
I nodded. This was something I loved about my mom. She never minimized how I felt or told me things like, “It’s only a year, or a few weeks, or whatever.” She let me cry on her shoulder and validated every emotion, distracting me when things got really tough.
I heard her gasp and then a towel was pressed against my face. “Your nose is bleeding,” she said.
“Oh, yeah, that happened when I was talking to Mav,” I said. “It stopped for a bit. It’s probably just allergies.” I held the towel against my lip again and waited.
“Maybe. I’m going to have Macey have a look. If she thinks it’s allergies, then I won’t rush you to emergency wrapped in bubble wrap.”
I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t help but smile. Macey was Mom’s best friend and a registered nurse. She used to work in the emergency room at the hospital, but had started working labor and delivery part time after she had babies. Mom called her about everything more serious than a hangnail. It was the running joke, but Macey was really good at her job and could usually tell if an ailment was something minor, or if a doctor needed to do tests, so everyone trusted her.
I heard the garage door go up and then Dad walked in, throwing his leather jacket and cut in the closet. My dad, Alex ‘Hawk’ James, was Treasurer of the Dogs of Fire Motorcycle Club, and tonight was their club meeting, which they referred to as “Church.”
“Hey, baby girl,” he said, and hugged me as he walked into the kitchen, nodding toward the towel. “What’s up with that?”
“Hi, Daddy. Allergies I think.”
He released me and pulled Mom in for a grosser than normal public display of affection which I avoided by turning around and looking outside. So much for my opinion they didn’t smoosh. In my need to avoid the PDA, I almost stepped on Rex who still hadn’t left my side. I settled my hand on his head again as I kept pressure on my nose with the other.
“You call Mase?” Dad asked Mom.
“She’s coming over to borrow a dress, so she can look at Lily then.”
“Gonna go say hi to the boys.”
“Okay, baby,” Mom said.
Dad headed out of the kitchen and I faced Mom again. “What time’s Macey going to be here?”
“I think she and Dallas are swinging by around nine.”
“Okay, I have some homework, so I’ll work on that before dinner.”
“Sounds good.”
I made my way upstairs and started on my homework. Dinner was pretty uneventful, the peach pie was divine, and then my world imploded.
Macey didn’t think it was allergies.
Macey was right.

Road to Peace - Peek!


I WALKED OUT of Lonnie’s salon and into the blaring heat of an unusually hot Pacific Northwest April. Squinting against the brightness, I slid my sunglasses on and headed to the Chinese restaurant next door for some takeout. Ten minutes later, order in hand, I was ready to go home and soak in the tub. It had been a long day and I needed a little down time. Only, when I climbed into my car, slid the key in the ignition, and turned… nothing happened.
“What the—?” I tried again, but still nothing, so I climbed out and looked around. Lonnie’s lights were off, the closed sign hung on the door, and the parking lot was all but empty. “Just great,” I said, and groaned.
I considered going back into the Chinese restaurant for help, but I’d had to repeat my order three times, so I had little faith they’d be able to understand my request for a jump. I grabbed my cell and called Triple A.
“Roadside Assistance, how may I help you?”
“Well, I’m in Orchards and I have a dead battery,” I said.
“No problem, we can send someone out. What’s the address?”
I rattled off my location, gave her my card number and other pertinent information.
“We can have someone out to you in about an hour.”
“Really? Nothing sooner?”
“No, sorry. We’re really busy today.”
“Okay,” I said. “Thanks.”
I sighed and hung up, turning to find Lonnie walking out of her shop. “Hey, Maisie. You’re still here?”
“I have a dead battery. I called Triple A, but if you have a minute, would you mind giving me a jump, please?”
“No, sorry, I actually have to be somewhere.”
I stared at her, so shocked by her unwillingness to help me I couldn’t even form a response. It would take maybe five minutes to jump my battery. I’d been loyal to her for more than ten years, even following her to this crappy part of town, and she couldn’t take five minutes to help me? I think my mouth was still slightly agape as I watched her climb into her car and drive off, smiling (and waving) at me as she passed.
God! I’d just given her a thirty-percent tip. Not to mention, I always sent her a Christmas card (even though she never reciprocated) and even sent her a gift on her birthday. Not cool!
I sighed and leaned against my car, scanning the area. I lived and worked in downtown Portland and only ever came up here for my hair needs. But there had to be someone around who could help me so I wouldn’t be stuck here for another hour.
I walked a few feet away from my car and looked around. Bingo. A little hole-in-the wall mechanic’s garage was across the busy street and three doors down. Concerned they wouldn’t be open, or would be manned by grease monkeys who liked to take advantage of women in need of automotive services, I shuddered, but trudged toward the shop anyway. If they were open, I figured they’d probably be able to help me, but if they weren’t willing, then I’d give them a nasty Yelp review. I should probably do that to Lonnie, but wasn’t entirely sure I was quite that brave. It took me years to find her.
* * *

Connor ‘Hatch’ Wallace dumped an armload of parts onto the front counter of Bruce’s Specialty Auto Services, and pulled out his clipboard to check them off. His buddy’s shop was one of several he’d made deliveries to today, but luckily it was the last and the least amount… it meant he’d been able to carry everything in his saddlebags of his Harley Fat Boy. The day was too nice to be locked in a cage. He’d needed to ride. And now he wanted beer and pussy, not necessarily in that order, but he had to wait ’til he got back to the compound to enjoy either.
“Yeah?” he called back, still scribbling on the order sheet.
“Hot one comin’.”
Hatch glanced up to see a woman navigating the intersection and heading toward them. She wore a fitted light-blue blouse, tight, white jeans that hugged her shapely legs, and heels that looked like they cost more than his bike. Her long, blonde hair hung in straight sheets, but as a gust of wind caught her locks, she had to fight to keep the strands out of her face. She slid her sunglasses on top of her head, pulling her hair away from her face and Hatch’s breath left his body. She was like the first ray of sunshine after the rain. Damn, she was a knockout.
She walked into the tiny customer area and gave him a tentative smile. “Hi,” she breathed out. “My battery’s dead and Triple A’s going to be a while. Is there someone here who’d be willing to give me a jump?”
Hatch’s dick took notice of her sweet, British accent.
“Yeah, sweetheart, I’ll jump you. Anytime, anyplace,” Bruce said, and Hatch watched her step back slightly, her face a little paler than before. For whatever reason, Bruce’s dirty innuendo made Hatch want to beat the shit out of his old friend.
“Piss off, Bruce,” Hatch ordered quietly, then turned to face her. He was shocked by a sudden need to protect her, but he planned to help her and get her the hell out of his space. He needed a woman to protect as much as he needed a hole in the head, but he did have a sister and he’d never leave a woman stranded. “I’ll get you goin’ again. Where are you parked?”
She pointed to the parking lot across the street. “Just over there.”
“Bruce, where’s your portable jump pack?”
Bruce grabbed it from the back room and handed it to Hatch.
Hatch smiled at the woman and nodded. “I’ll follow you.”
“Thank you.”
“Be back, Bruce.” Hatch nodded to the clipboard on the desk. “Sign off on the delivery so I can get out of here, yeah?”
“No problem, Hatch.”
Hatch followed the woman to her car and she popped the hood, sliding inside the car to start it. After hooking up the jumper cables, he called out, “Okay, turn the key.”
After several tries, they were still unable to get the Lexus going. She joined him at the front of the car with a sigh. “It’s not the battery, is it?”
“Nope.” He dipped his head further inside and checked all the cables before facing her. “Do you mind if I check your fuse?”
“I don’t know where that is, but sure.”
He opened the front door, pried open the fuse panel and pulled out the troublesome little buggar. “Your ignition fuse is blown.”
“Crap,” she said. “Please tell me you have one in the shop.”
“It’s my buddy’s shop, so I’m not sure, but give me a minute and I’ll find out.”
She nodded and Hatch called Bruce. “Hey man, you bang her yet?”
Hatch turned away from the woman with a scowl. “Shut the fuck up, asshole. She’s got a blown fuse. You got one over there or not?”
“Depends on what car.”
“Ma’am?” Hatch asked. “Your car’s a 2015, right?”
She smiled. “My name’s Maisie. I’d rather that than ‘ma’am,’ and yes, my car is a 2015.”
Hatch forced himself not to react to the fuckin’ sexy ass name attached to the fuckin’ sexy ass woman as he rattled off the information to Bruce. But hell if he wouldn’t be conjurin’ up her image as he fucked some other pussy later on that night, wishin’ her sexy-ass voice was callin’ his name as she came.
“Yeah, I think I got one,” Bruce said. “Let me find it and I’ll bring it by.”
Hatch hung up and slid his phone in his pocket. He closed the hood of the car and turned to Maisie. “Bruce is lookin’ for your part and then we’ll get you on your way.”
“Thank you.” She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Despite her obvious politeness and confidence, there was a sadness about her. “You’ve kind of been my knight in shining armor today, I must say. I’ll just give Triple A a ring and cancel.”
Hatch nodded and she pulled out her cell phone, canceling the truck just as Bruce jogged over, part in hand. Hatch replaced the fuse and Maisie’s car started without issue.
“You’re all set,” Hatch said.
“Thank you. How much do I owe you?”
“Sixt—” Bruce started to say.
“Nothin’,” Hatch interrupted.
“You deserve to be paid for your time,” Maisie countered.
“It’s all good,” he said. “Just drive carefully.”
“Well, thank you, Mr. Hatch… and, ah, Bruce is it?” she said.
Bruce’s head bobbed up and down like the douchebag he was, but Maisie didn’t seem to notice, her million-dollar smile back on her face. “Thank you again.”
She climbed in her car and took off, giving them a sexy little wave as she headed toward the freeway.
“Fuck me, that woman was fine,” Bruce sang out.
“Shut the hell up, Bruce,” Hatch ground out.
“You gonna pay for that part?”
“Yeah, man, I’ll pay for the fucking part.”
They headed back to the shop where Hatch grabbed his shit, climbed on his Harley, and headed for the only place he could get the beautiful woman out of his head.

* * *

“I’m sorry?” Alison, my best friend and business partner, snapped over the speaker. “She just left you there?”
“Um, yes,” I said, and guided my car onto the freeway. Alison had called just as I hit I-5 and was now on hands-free.
“Who does that?” she continued. “It’s woman code, bitch. Never leave your sister behind.”
“I know! And I gave her a thirty-percent tip!”
“Did you annihilate her and then tell her you were never coming back?”
“No,” I admitted. “I was so in shock I lost my words for a period of time.”
“Your British politeness was a hindrance wasn’t it?”
I smiled. “You may have a point.”
“Why didn’t you call me?”
“Because it would have taken you an hour just to get over the bridge. I figured Triple A would be faster and in the end, the nice but scruffy man who helped me was even faster.”
“Mmmm, scruffy good or scruffy bad?”
I thought about that question for a second. Mr. Hatch had long, dark hair, pulled back into a partial ponytail, which was sexy as heck, and his beard was full and slightly peppered with grey, but not out of control. He obviously manscaped, which a woman like me appreciated. “Scruffy good.” I nodded. “Definitely good.”
Ali giggled. “Only you would meet some hot guy after blowing a fuse.”
“No doubt.” I smiled. “How’s Poppy?”
Ali was watching my twelve-year-old daughter while I took some time for me.
“She’s good.”
“Hi Mummy,” she called in the background.
“Hi Poppet.” I smiled. God, I loved that girl. “I should be there in about twenty minutes.”
“Okay, we’ll see you then,” Ali said.
Ali hung up and I continued down the freeway. My thoughts turned to Mr. Hatch, then almost as quickly to my very dead husband, Niall. It had been nine years, but I was still quite miffed with him for leaving me. We’d been in the States for about five years when he got cancer and beat it into remission twice.
Unfortunately, third time was the charm in the form of a nail in his literal coffin, and he was gone. We thought we had more time. We didn’t. If Ali and her cop husband, Ryan, hadn’t been there, not only would I have crumbled, the business Niall and I had built together would have as well. Much to my family’s disappointment, I had no intention of going back to England and had sent my brother home alone despite his pleas for me to join him. Even my sister Kenna, whom I was closest to, couldn’t convince me to go back. I’d needed the distance.
I could only thank God that Poppy was too young to remember, because truly, I think it would have broken her. It took me a good two years and two visits a week to a therapist to get to the point where I could get out of bed in the morning on my own. Currently, I was down to one visit a month for “maintenance.”
I was now somewhat in control of my insanity and no one could be happier than me. Or maybe Poppy. Or Ali. I sighed. Now I was even rambling in my head. Maybe I wasn’t in control after all.
I pulled up to Ali’s home and climbed out of the car, rushing up to the front door and letting myself in. “Mummy’s home,” I called.
“Kitchen,” Ali returned.
I headed through the large great room and into the newly renovated kitchen, where my daughter wrapped her arms around my waist and squeezed. “Can I stay a little longer, Mum? Please?”
“Sure, darling. Fifteen minutes, okay?”
She let out a little girl squeal and went to find Ali’s daughter, her best friend, Grace. Ryan and Ali also had a twelve-year-old son, Merrick, who was probably lying in wait to torture his sister. I hugged Ali briefly, then pried off my heels and sat at her island.
“You hungry?” she asked, pulling open the fridge and grabbing me a bottled water.
“No, I have Chinese waiting in the car. Have you eaten?”
“No. Kids did, but I’ll wait for Ryan. I did feed Poppy, hope that’s okay.”
“You can feed my kid anytime,” I said with a chuckle. “She likes your food better than mine anyway… although, tonight it’s takeout. More for me.”
She grinned. “Did you snap a photo of the hottie mechanic?”
I shook my head. “I probably should have, eh? God, lovey, the more I think about him…” I sighed. “He was edible. Rollo from Vikings edible.”
Ali joined me at the island. “So… not your type.”
“How do you figure?”
“Bad boy, sexy, edible.”
“You may have a point.” I sighed. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll never see him again. I’ve had my great love, so he’d only be a dalliance anyway.”
“Which you would never do. You’re a one-man woman… and only do long-term.”
I’d met Niall in kindergarten and it was love at first sight. He’d moved from Scotland into my neighborhood and, when we were old enough to walk alone, he started walking with me to and from school. We’d been inseparable ever since. I’d been so blessed to have a best friend who protected me with all of his being and loved me just as much. He was my first, my last, and everything in between.
“You’re probably right.” I smiled and slid off the stool. “I should get the Poppet home. The bathtub is calling my name.” I stepped to the mouth of the hallway and called, “Poppy, love, we’re going.”
“Are you still good if I come in late tomorrow?” Ali asked. “Ryan’s taking me to a few doctor appointments I’ve been putting off.”
“Of course,” I said. “Anytime, you know that. I still have the gremlins this weekend, right?”
“Yes.” Ali grinned. “Ryan and I need some sexy sexual time.”
I giggled. “I think that’s a bit too much information, love.”
“In our business?” she scoffed. “There’s no such thing.”
“You might be right.”
“Are you sure you’re okay with staying here?” Ali asked. “The kids can come to you.”
“No, it’s fine. I love your home.”
“I know, but I want you to be comfortable.”
I smiled. “It’ll be less upheaval for your kids and Poppy loves staying over, so it’s perfect. As long as I have internet and can get some work done, I don’t mind where I’m at.”
“This is one of the many reasons I love you,” Ali said, and hugged me again.
“Ready!” Poppy announced, Gracie on her heels. Grace looked so much like Ali it was like she’d been cloned. They had the same long, dark hair and tall, lanky build. Her big blue eyes were the only difference. Ali’s were more of a periwinkle, whereas Grace’s were darker.
“Thanks, love,” I said, and Poppy and I headed home.
I left Poppy to watch a movie while I soaked in my tub, then after our bedtime ritual of reading a chapter from a favorite book (her choice tonight), I fell asleep dreaming of the scruffy Mr. Hatch.

* * *

